Anti-Burglar alarm systems
In order not to be surprised by criminals and to protect against theft and unauthorized access to your home or business, burglary alarms will ensure security whether or not you are in the protected perimeter.
Damage caused by burglary breaks ranges from material losses of varying values to violence the persons surprised by the offenders in the location. The best way to protect people and material goods is by installing an alarm system to discourage criminals’ plans by acoustic and luminous signals and to alert timely intervention forces.
From simple kits that can be built by anyone without specialty training to professional systems installed by field specialists, alarm systems exist for your peace and security at any time of day or night.
Performance Criteria
The quality and efficiency of an alarm system are determined by the quality and type of sensors used, the number and extent of the supervised areas, the alarm trigger mode and the technical characteristics of the equipment used in the system.
Alarm systems are classified into two categories depending on how they are installed: wired and wireless. The main advantage of wired systems is lower cost compared to wireless alarm systems. Wireless systems are safer and more flexible, making it easy to adapt to changes in space and expand in case of need.
The effectiveness of an anti-burglary alarm system is enhanced by combining fire and smoke detection options with video surveillance systems and connecting to a company’s communications system that provides fast response services.
Components of an alarm system
Alarm system
Command and control keypad
Motion detectors / broken jam / shock or vibration
Indoor or outdoor sirens
Remote communication modules
Domains of aplication
Installation of such an alarm system can be done in almost any location, both indoors and outdoors, being especially recommended for office buildings, banks, shops, warehouses, public institutions, residential complexes and any location for which it is desired ensuring the protection of goods and people.
Avoid the material, physical and emotional consequences that accompany such an event. Find out what is the real risk you are exposed to and make an informed decision. Your safety is important! Contact us now and find answers to your questions.